Make routine waxing a thing of the past by obtaining a Ceramic Paint Coating for your vehicle. Ceramic Coatings allow you to keep your vehicle vibrant with a sleek candy like-gloss or a stealthy matte look, while protecting it from harsh weather conditions.
About Ceramic Paint Coatings
Ceramic Paint Coatings are chemical polymer solutions that bond with the paint of your vehicle, for top-quality protection and shine. They are applied over your clear coat, forming an invisible layer that seals the pores of your vehicles paint. As it creates a semi-permanent bond, there is no need to worry about your Ceramic Coating washing away or breaking down the way that traditional wax does.
In the layman’s terms, this means that a Ceramic Coating is essentially a second skin for your vehicle. It is a hardened layer that creates more protection and shine to keep your vehicle looking great for years to come.
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Paint Protection That Lasts
Due to the intrinsic chemical nature of Ceramic Coatings, it is no wonder that they neither break down nor wash away. Giving you Paint Protection that will withstand typical atmospheric conditions. Providing peace of mind that your vehicle will continue to look great for years to come.
Some of the ways Ceramic Coatings protect your vehicles paint include:
- Chemical stain resistance. Pollution is on the rise, which means that your vehicle is frequently exposed to acidic contaminants in the air that can stain your paint. Ceramic Coatings prevent chemical stains by keeping said acidic contaminants from bonding with your paint.
Utah is in the Top 10 Most Polluted States, as determined from information from the EPA, making this a necessity for those who want to keep their vehicles looking sleek and clean.
Protection from oxidation
UV Rays cause your vehicles paint to fade, making it look dull and drab. Many people park their cars outside, either during the workday or because lack of garage space. A Ceramic Coating will protect your vehicle from the damaging UV rays that wreak havoc on your paint, allowing it to look newer, longer.
Creates a hydrophobic surface
In many cases, “phobic” has a negative connotation, not so here. Hydrophobic means that your Ceramic Coating essentially repels water. It slides right off your vehicle, rather than sitting on your paint. Because of that there is lessened (though not eliminated) risk of water stains.
Make cleaning a breeze
Due to previously mentioned hydrophobic properties, Ceramic Coatings offer easy and quick exterior clean up. A Ceramic Coating can prevent bird droppings, bug guts, and more from damaging your paint, creating a much easier surface to clean.
Candy like-gloss shine
Ceramic Coatings enhance the shine of your vehicle by forming a strikingly smooth surface that reflects the light. Allowing you to enjoy the paint to the fullest.
Eliminate the need for traditional waxing or paint sealants
Why spend your valuable time and money to get your vehicle waxed, when you can enjoy a rich, glossy Ceramic Coating. Ceramic Coatings will protect your vehicles paint from the harsh elements year around.
Specialist Ceramic Paint Coatings
Coaticlab Automotive Studio is enthusiast-driven, we pride ourselves on our attention to detail We blend passion, craft, and quality in order to provide you with the automotive services that go above and beyond your expectations. To learn more about our Ceramic Paint Coating services, please do not hesitate to contact us today.